Annual Camps

The highlight of the cadet's calendar is annual camp - a week away at an RAF station. Annual camps are organised for all squadrons so that every cadet who wishes to take part and who has achieved at least the First Class qualification may attend. Cadets usually stay in RAF barrack blocks and eat in the station's mess facilities. The itinerary is always packed with typical ATC activities such as air experience flying, shooting, adventure training and of course drill. Cadets will also have the opportunity to visit various sections of the station and meet the people who work there. Camps are also a great opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. You will usually be with around 40 other cadets who you do not know, so making friends is a necessity!
Overseas Camps
For older and more experience cadets who have achieved the Leading Cadet qualification the corps also offers overseas camps. These are more expensive than UK camps as the cost of flights has to be paid for, and are generally more relaxed and seen as a reward for hard working and long serving cadets. Since the end of the cold war, and the closure of RAF stations in Germany, the number of overseas camp opportunities has decreased. Some camps which our cadets have visited in the past include:
- Akrotiri on Cyprus - A two week camp over the Easter school holiday period.
- JHQ Rheindahlen in Germany
- Javelin Barracks in Germany
- Ramstein in Germany
International Air Cadet Exchange
The International Air Cadet Exchange (IACE) links the Air Cadets with the world. For 15 days every July and August we exchange students so each gets a taste of the other's culture and another great cadet experience. Places are limited, and cadets are nominated through their suadron commanders.
Who's in the scheme?
- Australia - Air Training Corps of Australia
- Austria - Aero Club of Austria
- Belgium - Cadets de l’Air de Belgique
- Canada - Air Cadet League of Canada
- Finland - Finnish Aeronautical Association
- France - Aero Club de France
- Germany - Club der Luftfahrt von Deutschland eV
- Ghana - Ghana Cadet Corps
- Hong Kong - Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps
- Israel - Gadna Avir
- Japan - Aerospace Scouts Association
- Netherlands - Royal Netherlands Aeronautical Association
- Norway - Norsk Aero Klubb
- Philippines - Aerospace Association
- Sweden - Swedish Air Force
- Switzerland - Aero Club of Switzerland
- Turkey - Turkish Air League
- United States - US Civil Air Patrol