Squadron Staff

Flt Lt Nina Thomas, Commanding Officer

Flt Lt Thomas is an ex-cadet of this squadron having reached the rank of Flight Sergeant before leaving in 1993. She re-joined the squadron as a civilian instructor in 1996, took a commission to become an officer in 1998, and in 2006 she was appointed Squadron Commander.

Achievements: WGL(T), First Aid Activity Course and Amateur Radio (Foundation) Licence

WO (ATC) John Wilson, Squadron Warrant Officer

WO Wilson is an ex-cadet who joined this squadron as an Adult Warrant Officer in 2000 having transferred from another squadron. He's a qualified pilot and instructs the cadets in the different aeronautical subjects, as well as helping out with drill practise and on sports nights.

Sgt (ATC) Glyn Davies

Sgt Davies is another ex-cadet of this squadron having reached the rank of Cadet Warrant Officer before leaving in 2004, as a cadet he completed his Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award, a gliding scholarship and was awarded a flight in a hawk at RAF Valley while he was a cadet at the squadron.

Achievements: BELA, First Aid Activity Course, Basic Coaching and Weapons Instructor qualified.

Rev Vaughan Prytherch, Squadron Chaplain

Civilian Instructors

CI Mike Thomas

CI Thomas joined the squadron as a civilian instructor in 1999 and is the squadron's Adventure Training Officer. He is a keen walker himself, and takes a keen interest in the cadet's Duke of Edinburgh expeditions - which he often assesses.

Achievements: BELA, WGL(T), First Aid Activity Course, Amateur Radio (Foundation) Licence and Basic Coaching course.

CI Sian Law

Ci Law was originally a cadet in Staffordshire Wing, and has recently retunred as a member of staff at 1557 sqn. She is the squadron's Training Officer - which means she is responsible for planning the training program and making sure we do as many activities as possible.